Easily offer your appointments for online booking to patients through Patient Services in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland or MHOL in Wales.
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When adding team members in Vision 3, keep in mind that the Short Name should consist of letters exclusively, avoiding any numbers or special characters.
Vision 3 users in Northern Ireland may see (Offline) after a patient’s demographic details at the top of the Consultation Manager screen. This is expected functionality due to updates in Vision 3 in readiness for GP2GP.
Change of vaccine for the Pertussis vaccination in pregnancy programme from 1 July 2024
By Ben Nowland
Tags: Vision 3
From 1st July 2024 the vaccine used for Pertussis vaccination in pregnancy is changing from Boostrix-IPV (dTaP/IPV) to ADACEL (DTaP).
We would like to remind you of three important blogs recently shared, please take a look
To help keep your patient data safe and secure, we strongly recommend that you inactivate any staff member in Vision 3 when they leave your practice
To help you extract, understand and manipulate your patient data, we provide the following resources in the Search and Reports Help Centre
Did you know…Clinical Audit can help you with your year-end reporting?
Tags: Vision 3,Clinical Audit
The information presented in Clinical Audit makes it easier to manage the complex reporting requirements for QOF, QAIF, LES, DES, immunisations and other areas.
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SIS 10660 is fully deployed in England and Northern Ireland. Deployment to Scotland following DLM 830.