System Admins should check all your practice/organisation accounts in Vision360 for locked accounts to ensure all products are accessible.
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MMR Vaccines recorded as booster changing to stage 1 following GP2GP import
Immunisations and Health Protection Clinical Audits Update (29 November 2024)
By Ben Nowland
Tags: Clinical Audit
An update is available for the Immunisations and Health Protection Clinical Audits.
Clinical Safety Issue - Incorrect Interaction Severity Level for Certain Drug Pairings (Vision 3)
Tags: Clinical Safety,Vision 3
Clinical safety advisory post relating to some major interactions not displaying in Vision 3 where set up to display of severity 'severe and major only'.
Vision 3 - Treat Days: Not Displaying Correct Number When Prescribing Methotrexate To Be Taken As A Once Weekly Dose
Tags: Vision 3
Advisory post relating to incorrectly calculated / displayed number of treatment days for Methotrexate where prescribed to be taken as a once-weekly dose.
A valid email address is required in Vision 3 so that staff can access other Vision products.
Please be advised to add a note in your email signature indicating that patients cannot reply to the email.
Vision Talk update
Vision Anywhere Business Continuity.
An update is now available for the Immunisations and Health Protection Clinical Audits.