It is now mandatory when logging on to Appointments Setup, to map all Slot Types to an Appointment Mode before carrying out any other action.
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General Practice Appointments Data (GPAD) is required to support the NHS Long-Term Plan, and Investment and Evolution, the five-year GP contract framework.
General Practice Appointments Data (GPAD) is an NHS England directive recently introduced to provide information about GP appointments usage at practice level.
The Coronavirus Vaccination Monitoring audit has been updated to account for the Spring Booster programme.
Information about the Daily Import of Influenza Vaccination Data. We are now automatically importing data received from external vaccination systems into patient records in Vision 3.
A new Seasonal Flu Vaccination pathway is now available and will be distributed to your practice via Vision+.
From November we began daily imports of seasonal influenza vaccination data recorded in external systems. You may have still received Pinnacle and Sonar PDF data via emails after this date while we confirmed it is working correctly. These emails have now been switched off, and are replaced by the daily imports.
We are now automatically importing data received from external vaccination systems into patient records in Vision 3, however we are currently not able to import all influenza vaccination data into Vision 3. We are working to resolve this issue and ask you to check with the patient regarding their vaccination status if required.
NHS Digital Daily Influenza Extract To support the 2021-22 Influenza campaign, from the 26th October a daily extract of all influenza vaccination data is now being sent to NHS Digital. This includes Immediately Necessary Treatment patient data, to ensure the flow of data to the patient's Registered Practice. The first extract is backdated to include all data recorded at your practice from the 1st September 2021.
NHS Digital Daily Influenza Extract - Coming soon To support the 2021-22 Influenza campaign, a daily extract of all Influenza vaccination data is sent to NHS Digital, including Immediately Necessary Treatment patient data.