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Copying an Acute Methotrexate Prescription to Make it into a Repeat

We have received a number of queries relating to where a patient's previous acute prescription for Methotrexate is copied and turned into a repeat master. Specifically, where a prescriber has entered the desired dosage as free text rather than selecting the dose from the drop-down list of standard Methotrexate doses available within Vision.

On saving a repeat master created from a previous acute prescription for Methotrexate, the dosage reverts to the lowest possible, default standard dose of the Methotrexate item being prescribed rather than the dosage entered as free text.

For example, the prescriber types ‘10MG (4 TABLETS) WEEKLY' into the Dosage: field as free text:

Free Text Dosage

When the new repeat is added, the dosage will revert to the default standard of ‘2.5 mg (one tablet) to be taken WEEKLY':

Default Standard Dosage

This is in line with existing guidance published around the restoration of a default dose on copying a previous methotrexate prescription using Vision: https://knowledgebase.visionhealth.co.uk/knowledge/did-you-know-that-if-you-copy-methotrexate-the-original-drug-defaults-are-restored

We are in the process of making a change to Vision so that a desired, non-standard dosage of methotrexate entered as free text may be saved for a new repeat master created from a previous acute prescription, rather than reverting to a default standard dose. A further advisory blog post will be published once this change has been made available in Vision and deployed into live.