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Helping you to Deliver your flu Vaccinations

Delivering Vaccinations
During this busy flu season we want to ensure you are supported as much as possible. You will already be aware of our Seasonal Influenza Campaign Help Centre; which has been specifically developed to provide you with an evolving one stop area. On here, you will now find guidance on how to use a number of solutions to help you effectively carry out Phase 3 of your Flu Campaign - Delivering your vaccinations:

Within a practice

Users of Vision 3 can choose to use Consultation Manager or the Vision+ Alert Window to directly record the patient's immunisation instantly as they carry out each patient vaccination. For help on on how to do this, visit our Help Centre.

Smart Clinic also offers intelligent immunisation recording to assist you in quick and simple data entry at the click of a button. It provides customised data templates to suit your practice's working needs and save your team time. It also automatically reads the patient's medical record to inform you of the patient's vaccination history so that you can see what immunisations are due, received and what has been missed; meaning you can prepare any further vaccinations required during your patient's visit. If you'd like to know more on the benefits of the integration with Smart Clinic click here.

If you already use Smart Clinic and are looking to get started with the delivery of your flu vaccinations, visit our Help Centre.

Using an off-site clinic

We understand that due to the current pandemic you may be running your flu clinic off-site and have chosen to send out Barcoded Invitations to your eligible patients. To help you easily deliver your vaccinations and record your patient's data using the Barcode solution, we have created a simple step by step guide within the Help Centre. This will show you how to collate and prepare your patients' invite tear off slips as they arrive so that once your flu clinic is completed, you will be able to simply import all your collated patient data into your clinical system with ease and efficiency.

Seasonal Influenza Campaign Help Centre

Please note, the Help Centre is continuously evolving to ensure you are provided with the informative guidance and support you need.

Primary Care Network (PCN) Flu Dashboard
We are currently working on an exciting new Flu Dashboard, which will be made available to PCNs to help them centrally manage all their patients and highlight any need for additional flu clinics. We will be in touch over the coming weeks with further information.