NHS England have provided a list of Shielded Patient List (SPL) Subtractions. These are patients that for various reasons are no longer considered ‘high risk’ and now need updating to either ‘moderate’ or ‘low’ risk.
Latest News
We have been made aware of a temporary product name change as a result of a supplier (Scope Ophthalmics Ltd) rebranding “VitA-POS eye ointment” to “Hylo Night eye ointment” for a short period of time during 2020, before reverting the name to “VitA-POS eye ointment”. There are no changes to the product formulation. The change of product name may affect your practice prior to the deployment of the June 2020 Gemscript release
There is a dedicated Yellow Card site for the reporting of new and emerging side effects and medical device incidents in COVID-19 treatments, this includes the reporting of side effects for medicines taken by patients to manage long-term or pre-existing conditions. Please report any new and emerging side effects and medical device incidents in COVID-19 treatments here
Coronavirus/Covid-19 ‘At Risk’ Patients Utility – England only 28th May 2020
Tags: England,Coronavirus
28th May 2020 - NHS England have provided us with a list of patients that newly qualify for the ‘at risk’ category, overnight tonight, these patients will have a Medical History entry added to their record to reflect this
28th May 2020 - NWIS have provided us with list of patients that newly qualify for the ‘at risk’ category. Overnight tonight, these patients will have a Medical History entry added to their record to reflect this
You will shortly be receiving the Coronavirus test results from the swabs taken at the nationwide Coronavirus test centres. These results are received in the same way as normal pathology results, however as the tests were not requested by yourselves, they are sent to a generic recipient at your practice
Please be aware that in the next few days you will receive an update to your Vision Anywhere app for iOS, Android and Windows Store.
Coronavirus/Covid-19 ‘At Risk’ Patients Utility – England only 21st May 2020
Tags: England,Coronavirus
NHS England have provided us with a list of patients that newly qualify for the ‘at risk’ category, overnight tonight, these patients will have a Medical History entry added to their record to reflect this
NWIS have provided us with list of patients that newly qualify for the ‘at risk’ category. Overnight tonight, these patients will have a Medical History entry added to their record to reflect this
We are pleased to confirm that the delayed April 2020 Gemscript update has now been released and should be available for use within the next couple of days.