New Seasonal Influenza clinical audits for all countries have been published
Latest News
The following guide recommends a protocol to follow when deducting a patient from your practice
An update is now available for the Immunisations and Health Protection Clinical Audits, which includes new Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) audits.
Once a patient’s online account is created it is up to the patient to manage their account.
When a new patient registers at your practice you must always create a new record, do not overwrite any existing records.
An update is now available for the NHS Lanarkshire Clinical Audits.
Vision Talk Update
Vision 3 users in Northern Ireland may see (Offline) after a patient’s demographic details at the top of the Consultation Manager screen. This is expected functionality due to updates in Vision 3 in readiness for GP2GP.
Advisory notification of recent changes made to the dm+d by NHS England to the list of products that may be prescribed as imports and special orders.
Change of vaccine for the Pertussis vaccination in pregnancy programme from 1 July 2024
By Ben Nowland
Tags: Vision 3
From 1st July 2024 the vaccine used for Pertussis vaccination in pregnancy is changing from Boostrix-IPV (dTaP/IPV) to ADACEL (DTaP).