Easily offer your appointments for online booking to patients through Patient Services in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland or MHOL in Wales.
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When adding team members in Vision 3, keep in mind that the Short Name should consist of letters exclusively, avoiding any numbers or special characters.
Due to a technical issue, we regret to inform you that we are currently unable to accept any incoming calls on our service desk.
An update is now available for the Immunisations and Health Protection Clinical Audits.
New Seasonal Influenza clinical audits for all countries have been published
The following guide recommends a protocol to follow when deducting a patient from your practice
An update is now available for the Immunisations and Health Protection Clinical Audits, which includes new Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) audits.
Once a patient’s online account is created it is up to the patient to manage their account.
When a new patient registers at your practice you must always create a new record, do not overwrite any existing records.
An update is now available for the NHS Lanarkshire Clinical Audits.