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Seasonal Influenza update - England only (26th October 2021)

Importing Historical Influenza Vaccination Data

Data recorded in external systems from the 1st September to the 31st October (inclusive) will be imported and written back to your patient's records on the 1st November. This excludes data from Pinnacle and Sonar recorded during this date range. This decision was made so not to overwrite any influenza vaccination data already recorded that may contain important information (relating to claims for payment) in the comments.

Note – You can manually input vaccination data recorded during this period using the data currently being sent to you via PDF from Pinnacle and Sonar.

NHS Digital Daily Influenza Import 

Data recorded from the 1st November in external systems including Pinnacle and Sonar will be imported from the 2nd November onwards.

Important – For this data the process Vision uses to avoid duplication of data is to check if a vaccination is already recorded, if so it will be replaced with the imported record. If you need to add additional information to the influenza vaccination entries, please wait for the data to be imported before updating the record.

Note - You may still receive the PDF data for a couple of days while we confirm the import is working correctly, however unless informed otherwise you are not required to manually add influenza vaccination data from the 1st of November.