Clinical Safety issue where a KIS Special Note recorded for patients registered at Vision GP practices may not be the most recent version of that data
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SIS 10600 delivers new features for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and a number of user-requested enhancements.
SIS 10590 delivers new features for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and a number of user-requested enhancements.
SIS 10580 delivers new features for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and a number of user-requested enhancements.
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Clinical Audit Update – 22nd April 2020
Tags: Wales,Scotland,England,Coronavirus,Vision 3,Clinical Audit
Please be aware the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Clinical Audit has just been updated, the latest version is Version 6, dated 21/4/2020.
Update to the Coronavirus/Covid-19 ‘Most Vulnerable’ Patients Utility – Scotland only 16/4/2020
Tags: Scotland,Coronavirus
Update to the Coronavirus/Covid-19 ‘Most Vulnerable’ Patients Utility – Scotland only 16/4/2020 As directed by NHS Scotland, any entries created by the utility run on your patient register to highlight patients in the ‘most vulnerable’ category for developing complications from Covid-19 infection, will in the next few days:
As directed by NHS Scotland, we have run a utility on your patient records and any patients falling in the ‘most vulnerable’ group as specified by NHS Scotland now have Read code 9d44.00 Potential infectious contact added to their record.
Clinical Safety advisory communication regarding issue in relation to the way that eGFR result data extracted from Vision is being displayed on SCI-DC.
SIS 10490 (December 2019) delivers the 2019-20 QOF releases for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and a number of user-requested enhancements.