Cegedim Healthcare Solutions have been made aware of an issue with the treatment days calculation for Methotrexate prescribed as a once weekly dose using Vision 3. This may result in the number of calculated treatment days being displayed as a lower number than it should. The following shows an example of this for a prescription of 24 x Methotrexate 2.5mg tablets with 2.5mg (one tablet) to be taken once weekly. The number of treatment days for this prescription is incorrectly displayed as 68 where this should actually be 168.
We hope to have this issue resolved as soon as possible. In the meantime, we would ask that Vision 3 users please take additional care when prescribing Methotrexate to be taken as a once weekly dose and check that the calculated number of treatment days displayed is correct and as expected for the quantity and dosage of the Methotrexate product being prescribed. Where the Treat Days: value presented is incorrect, this should be manually changed to the correct value before the prescription is finalised.

Please ensure that staff dealing with prescription requests for Methotrexate are aware that a separate confirmation of appropriate ordering frequency will be required.
Many thanks for your co-operation with this.