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Drug-Drug Interaction Warning Severity Levels

Cegedim recently published an advisory blog post highlighting the benefits of automatic drug checks and the importance of setting these up effectively in Vision: https://blog.visionhealth.co.uk/hive-news/the-benefits-of-automatic-drug-checks

It is important that drug checks are set at a level according to the clinical expertise and experience of the practice and reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that this level continues to be appropriate as and when there may be organisational / staffing changes at the practice.

It should be noted that Cegedim Healthcare Solutions does not assign drug-drug interaction warning severity levels based upon the BNF or Stockley’s information for interactions. Consequently, this does lead to areas where our assigned drug-drug interaction warning severity levels may not match those of the BNF or Stockley’s for certain drug-drug interactions. Cegedim Healthcare Solutions’ assignation of drug-drug interaction warning severity levels is based upon the definitions specified in the table below and using information contained in manufacturer’s SPCs. In terms of the severity levels of drug-drug interaction warnings displayed in Vision, levels 1 and 2 default to ‘Minor’, levels 3 and 4 default to ‘Major’ and level 5 defaults to ‘Severe’.

Drug-Drug Interaction Warning Severity Level Assignation

We would ask that practices are mindful of the potential for divergence in this area when prescribing to patients.

Thank you for your attention to this.

If you require any further information, please contact the Cegedim UK Head of Clinical Safety at richard.ellis-gibson@visionhealth.co.uk