If your practice receives data from Vision Anywhere as part of a federation, cluster or shared service, it is important you do not inactivate the Dr Federated User staff member in Vision 3 Control Panel
Latest News
The CQC Clinical Searches pathway is being introduced to enable GP practices to generate clinical searches that are routinely used during CQC inspections.
Opening Tagged Image Format (.TIF) Files from 3rd August 2022 – England Only Due to the way TPP practices send GP2GP data, from the 4rd August 2022 when you select to open an attachment from Vision 3, if it is a .TIF file it automatically opens in Windows Photo Viewer.
The Wells' DVT Score Calculator is a risk stratification score and clinical decision rule to estimate a pre-test probability for acute Deep Vein Thrombosis.
The following pathways are ready for use for all Vision 3 practices in Wales.
We’ve recently introduced Appointments 3.2 which allows the restricting of appointment slots by hours, age and or sex.
Please be advised that the NHS initiative hosted by The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust known as Co-ordinate My Care (CMC) is being decommissioned
With it being Registrar time again, please note the following useful guides to assist you in adding and inactivating clinical staff
dm+d Changes - Imported & Special Order Products (July 2022 Update)
We are pleased to announce we have a new ORBIT Calculator now available. We are the first and only GP supplier to offer this solution.