Maintenance/Booster Dose
Latest News
NHS Digital Daily Influenza Extract - Coming soon To support the 2021-22 Influenza campaign, a daily extract of all Influenza vaccination data is sent to NHS Digital, including Immediately Necessary Treatment patient data.
The Coronavirus Vaccination Clinical Audit has been updated
The Coronavirus Vaccination Clinical Audit has been updated
The Seasonal Influenza Call and Recall audits have been updated
There have been some changes introduced in England with regards to recording vaccinations.
Data Update for Vision Anywhere users in Wales
The Seasonal Influenza Call and Recall audits have been updated
updated Coronavirus (COVID-19) Management Guideline, utilising the recently released vaccinations, to support you in caring for your patients.
Advisory notification of recent changes made to the dm+d by NHS Digital to the list of products that may be prescribed as imports and special orders.