Privacy Officer Tasks With the release of DLM 800, In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, to ensure appropriate governance of actions is maintained, your practice designated Privacy Officer(s) will now receive the following in Daybook or Tasks:
Latest News
When you add a medication, Vision 3 automatically runs specific drug checks depending on your set up. It is important for patient safety that Drug Checks are set up effectively. The Benefits of Automatic Drug Checks guide details the available checks and how to set them up within Vision 3.
Vision Anywhere 3.8 on general release
NHS Digital Daily Influenza Extract To support the 2021-22 Influenza campaign, from the 26th October a daily extract of all influenza vaccination data is now being sent to NHS Digital. This includes Immediately Necessary Treatment patient data, to ensure the flow of data to the patient's Registered Practice. The first extract is backdated to include all data recorded at your practice from the 1st September 2021.
Data recorded in external systems from the 1st September to the 31st October (inclusive) will be imported and written back to your patient's records on the 1st November.
Maintenance/Booster Dose
Maintenance/Booster Dose
When entering immunisation data in Vision 3, make sure to enter only the batch number into Batch Number.
SIS 10600 delivers new features for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and a number of user-requested enhancements.
Maintenance/Booster Dose