We are excited to confirm the new Vision Learning Zone, which replaces our current elearning Hub is now LIVE!
Latest News
If your practice receives data from Vision Anywhere as part of a federation, cluster or shared service, it is important you do not inactivate the Dr Federated User staff member in Vision 3 Control Panel
SIS 10490 (December 2019) delivers the 2019-20 QOF releases for England, Wales and Northern Ireland and a number of user-requested enhancements.
Your new Knowledge Base contains a dedicated online library of help articles and documents designed to help you answer any questions you have quickly!
The Hive is now closed and is no longer maintained by Vision. To find all the latest news, user guides, downloads and other useful information from Vision please select this link to the new Knowledge Base
The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) should explain everything you need to know about the closure of The Hive
No prescriptions should be created with pooled GP codes. Prescriptions should be issued with actual Prescribing Codes, this is especially important with the release of EPS Phase 4, as the use of a pooled GP code prevents the creation of an EPS prescription, which can lead to delays in patients receiving their medication.
From the 19th November the new Vision knowledge base and Help Centres will replace the Hive, they will contain all the information held in the Hive, and more!
With immediate effect, CQRS are no longer including Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Read code 65ED Seasonal influenza vaccination for Enhanced Services (ES).
An update to enable you to record and report on influenza vaccine type is due for inclusion in a future Vision Release.