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Latest News
Advisory notification of withdrawal of Pholcodine-containing cough and cold medicines from the UK market as a precautionary measure
The Coronavirus Vaccination audit has now been updated to include the Spring 2023 Booster.
General Practice Appointments Data (GPAD) is required to support the NHS Long-Term Plan, and Investment and Evolution, the five-year GP contract framework.
As part of a planed data centre move Cegedim Healthcare Solutions will be performing another preparatory activity on Sunday 26th of March and Sunday 2nd of April with failover of hosted services.
Please be aware there is an issue when editing any Vision 3 Guideline post release DLM 830. If you select to add a date to a new Guideline, or update a date on an existing Guideline, Vision 3 is currently inserting $$ into the date.
Advisory notification of forthcoming changes to Virtual Medicinal Product (VMP) codes from SNOMED Core codes to SNOMED UK extension codes in 2023.
As part of a planed data centre move Cegedim Healthcare Solutions will be performing a preparatory activity, the failover of the Common Services (Vision 360, Vision Anywhere, MHOL and WGPR), on the evening of Sunday 19th of March between 8 and 10pm and these services will be unavailable during the times stated.
Cegedim Healthcare Solutions provides a large number of products which together create a complete primary care clinical system encompassing all aspects of recording your patient care. To support you in using these solutions, there is a full suite of Help Centres to help you.
We are pleased to advise you that My Health Online 2.0 will be released to your patients overnight tonight (23rd February 2023).