The Kidney Failure Risk (5yr) calculator is now available for Vision 3 Practices in England, Scotland. Wales and Northern Ireland.
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Unhealthy Behaviours QI Pathway is Now Available for Practices in Wales
By Dale Smith
Tags: Vision 3
The Unhealthy Behaviours QI Pathway is now available for Vision 3 Practices in Wales.
In order to use new aspects of your Cegedim Primary Care Solution, it is essential your staff have a valid NHS email address recorded.
Do you know…how to access Help Centres when you are not logged into a product?
Tags: Vision Anywhere,Outcomes Manager,Vision 3,Clinical Audit,Mail Manager,VisionPlus
Cegedim Healthcare Solutions provides a large number of products which together create a complete primary care clinical system encompassing all aspects of recording your patient care.
The patient facing online aspects of Patient Services (England, Scotland and Northern Ireland) have been updated.
We are receiving reports from Vision 3 users using managed servers that the non-intrusive notification message linked to a locked record is intermittently displaying erroneously
New Electronic Frailty Index Calculator now on General Release
By Dale Smith
Tags: Outcomes Manager,Wales,Scotland,England,Northern Ireland,Vision
After previously removing this calculator from Vision+, we have now finally released an updated version of the eFI calculator to all customers throughout the UK.
Cegedim Healthcare Solutions UK have introduced the Firearms Marker pathway following the Home Office statutory guidance on firearms licensing.
There are several things you should do to help keep your system and data safe and secure. We have prepared a list within the Front Screen Help Centre to help you manage these tasks.
Adding or updating a member of staff correctly involves multiple aspects of Vision 3. To help you with this process, we have created a quick reference guide.