As part of a planned data centre move CHS will be performing a failover of services to the Woking DC on September 17th and 24th, between 11am and 4pm
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With it being Registrar time again, please note the following useful guides to assist you in adding and inactivating clinical staff.
We would like to remind you that confidential information relating to individual identifiers of reporters and patients should not be included within free text fields in reports sent to the MHRA
Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme 2023-2024 Pathway is Now Available
By Dale Smith
Tags: Vision 3
The Seasonal Influenza Vaccination Programme 2023/24 Pathway is now available for Practices in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and some areas of Scotland.
Unhealthy Behaviours QI Pathway Version 2 is Now Available for Practices in Wales
By Dale Smith
Tags: Vision 3
The Unhealthy Behaviours QI Pathway is now available for Vision 3 Practices in Wales.
It is now mandatory when logging on to Appointments Setup, to map all Slot Types to an Appointment Mode before carrying out any other action.
From Vision 3 release DLM 830, non-medical prescribers, with both Independent and Supplementary selected in Management Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance - Staff - Professional, must select in which capacity they are prescribing from Capacity when authorising an item.
Clinical Safety Risk – Drug Dosage Changing on Copying Repeat Prescriptions or Converting Serial/CMS Script to Repeat
Tags: Vision 3
Clinical safety advisory information relating to Vision 3 prescribing functionality that may result in drug dosage information changing on certain scripts.
Advisory information relating to reauthorisation of Serial Prescriptions (CMS).
The DMARDs Manager (NHS Scotland) Pathway is available for Vision 3 Practices in Scotland.