Advisory notification of recent changes made to the dm+d by NHS England to the list of products that may be prescribed as imports and special orders.
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Advisory notification of recent changes made to the dm+d by NHS England to the list of products that may be prescribed as imports and special orders.
From Vision 3 release DLM 830, when you are printing prescription from Prescription Manager you must only select items the Prescriber to Sign has the capacity to prescribe
We have received reports advising that when using the floating drop target prescription function to copy prescribed repeat batch prescriptions to acute prescriptions the drug selected can change
From Vision 3 release DLM 830, non-medical prescribers, with both Independent and Supplementary selected in Management Tools - Control Panel - File Maintenance - Staff - Professional, must select in which capacity they are prescribing from Capacity when authorising an item.
To provide access to your appointment list in the case of a network problem, you can use the Appointments automatic backup.
From Registration, when you are updating a patient details, the Registration Acceptance and Amendment Reason screens have a new Leave notes blank option
Clinical safety advisory information relating to issue with BMI calculation, writeback and display in Vision products.
Every system user has access rights to view their own messages. In addition, they can be given rights to view Unallocated mail and/or Messages assigned to other staff members
The Login Name list that currently displays on the Vision Login screen is shortly going to be removed for security reasons. To create a list of Login Names: