There have been some recent changes in the English QOF Indicators for 2020/21. AST003 has been removed and replaced by AST0007, this has resulted in the three Asthma Royal College of Physicians (RCP) questions no longer being counted towards achievement
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RESOLVED 16/9/20. Some customers may be experiencing intermittent issues getting through to us on our phone lines at the moment, engineers are investigating as a matter of urgency, in the meantime please submit any issues via our webform and we will be in touch as quickly as possible
During this busy flu season we want to ensure you are supported as much as possible. You will already be aware of our Seasonal Influenza Campaign Help Centre; which has been specifically developed to provide you with an evolving one stop area.
Clinical safety risk relating to potentially selecting an incorrect medication for prescribing when the name comprises 2 parts with a prefix
Pillar 2 SARS-Cov-2 Antibody test results are shortly due to start to flow into Patient Records. As these come from the same trading partner that Pillar 2 Virus RNA Detection results use, X-Labs National Pathology Exchange (NPEx) no action is required.
At Vision we continuously strive to provide you with the tools you need to work smarter and meet the needs of your customers. That's why we designed our Vision Anywhere solution to specifically support you in collaborative working across shared care settings by ensuring secure and clinically safe communication between you and your patients.
QAIF - Vision 3 is Ready for the 1st of October Releases – Wales only
Vision+ Reports - Supporting you with this year's flu campaign. In preparation for this year’s flu campaign we have created a suite of Vision+ Reports. These reports are now available and will help you:
Vision+ Reports - Supporting you with this year's flu campaign. In preparation for this year’s flu campaign we have created a suite of Vision+ Reports. We are also working to pull together a number of other resources to support you in delivering an effective flu campaign.
The Seasonal Influenza Call and Recall audits for all countries are now published and available for download from the Clinical Audit download page