If your practice receives data from Vision Anywhere as part of a federation, cluster or shared service, it is important you do not inactivate the Dr Federated User staff member in Vision 3 Control Panel
Latest News
We have updated the COVID Guideline to include a vaccination management section which allows for quick and easy data display and data entry.
Advisory notification of recent changes made to the dm+d by NHS Digital whereby imported and special order products have been added.
Advisory information regarding allocation of 'Usual GP' to an individual GP when (re)registering a patient in line with pooled list arrangements in Wales
We have been working with a team of experienced Clinical Pharmacists to bring you a new Medications Review Pathway. Developed to help you address your patients' medication needs, the new pathway is now directly accessible within your Vision 3 clinical system and Vision Anywhere application for quick and easy use.
To assist in the implementation of GP Connect and support efficient 24 hour access to care for patients across England, Cegedim has recently launched a new version of its Appointments application.
The Seasonal Influenza Call & Recall audits now include patients with Learning Disabilities, who are not already in another at risk group. The Vaccinations Claims audits are now updated for 2020/21.
Cegedim Healthcare Solutions offer a wide range of training programmes to help develop the essential knowledge and skills needed to competently use our Solutions. Training options range from elearning and online sessions to face to face training delivered on-sit by one of our experienced training consultants.
• Adult Patients with Down's Syndrome - All adults in England with Down’s Syndrome should be identified and reviewed by practices for inclusion on the Shielded Patient List (SPL). • Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) – All patients with Stage 5 CKD are being contacted with regards to Coronavirus shielding. For your information the definition of Stage 5 CKD is: • Chronic kidney disease is defined as a reduction in kidney function or structural damage, or both, present for more than 3 months. • CKD stage 5, or G5 A1-3, is defined as a GFR less than 15 ml/min. Note - Stage 5 CKD excludes individuals who transiently drop below 15 ml/min, for example, acute kidney injury, acute on chronic kidney disease. We have updated the Coronavirus clinical audits to support these updates: • Click here for the latest In Practice Systems Daily audit. • Click here for details on how to download audits. NHS Digital have provided us with an updated Shielded Patient letter for your patients who qualify for the SPL and for patients that newly qualify for the SPL based on the above criteria. We have turned these into Vision template letters, which can be downloaded from the following links: • High risk patients - 201104_Highest_risk_additions_letter_1K. • Down’s Syndrome Patients: • Standard - 201104_Highest_risk_additions_letter_Downs_syndrome. • Easy Read - EasyRdLetter_DownSyndrome_Final 02 11 20. Important - We recommend that both Down’s syndrome letters are provided to the patient. • Stage 5 CKD - 201104_Highest_risk_additions_letter_CKD. Remember – These are templates, you can update them to your practice format as required.
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