We are currently working on updating the display of our immunisation data within Vision 360 to bring consistency across the Journal and Immunisation tabs ensuring that you have access to all clinically relevant immunisation information at all times.
Latest News
dm+d Changes to Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine
This specialist Excel spreadsheet allows for any Clinical Audit report to be exported as a .csv file.
You can now take full advantage of the GP Connect NHS Digital programme, as the latest DLM 770 version of our Vision 3 clinical system enables GP Connect Appointments functionality.
As you will be aware, the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccination is now taking place across the UK. We have been working closely with each national body and we would like to share with you the following update on our progress and short term implementation plans.
As there can be a delay in health boards transferring out deceased patients, there is a chance that you will generate invitations and recalls for them. This can, understandably, be very distressing for the deceased patient’s family. Unfortunately, Clinical Audit cannot look at Registration Links data, so to ensure you do not raise invitations and recalls for your recently deceased patients, you should run a search on the group.
The Coronavirus Vaccination Monitoring audit has been updated.
The Vision Learning Zone has changed web address. To access the Learning Zone please use https://learningzone@cegedimrx.co.uk
As you are aware all adults in England with Down’s Syndrome should be identified and reviewed by practices for inclusion on the Shielded Patient List (SPL)
Advisory notification of recent changes made to the dm+d by NHS Digital whereby imported and special order products have been added.