Advisory notification of withdrawal of Pholcodine-containing cough and cold medicines from the UK market as a precautionary measure
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Advisory notification of forthcoming changes to Virtual Medicinal Product (VMP) codes from SNOMED Core codes to SNOMED UK extension codes in 2023.
Serious Shortage Protocols (SSPs) Issued for Phenoxymethylpenicillin (Pen V) Oral Solution
Tags: News
Advisory notification of three SSPs issued for Phenoxymethylpenicillin (Pen V) oral solution
Advisory post relating to Vision+ QRISK®2 clinical risk calculator available for use at Vision practices in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland only.
Clinical safety advisory information relating to potentially incorrect recording of drug allergy to Penicillamine, rather than Penicillin.
Action Required: National Patient Safety Alert - Potassium Permanganate Administration
Tags: Clinical Safety,Vision
Clinical safety advisory information on National Patient Safety Alert (NPSA) relating to inadvertent oral administration of potassium permanganate.
Advisory post relating to issue with QRISK calculators.
dm+d Changes - Imported & Special Order Products (July 2022 Update)
Advisory notification of recent changes made to the dm+d by NHS Digital to the list of products that may be prescribed as imports and special orders.
Advisory notification of forthcoming changes relating to food substances planned to be made to the dm+d by the NHSBSA.