dm+d Changes - Imported & Special Order Products (July 2022 Update)
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Advisory notification of recent changes made to the dm+d by NHS Digital to the list of products that may be prescribed as imports and special orders.
Advisory notification of forthcoming changes relating to food substances planned to be made to the dm+d by the NHSBSA.
Clinical Safety issue where a KIS Special Note recorded for patients registered at Vision GP practices may not be the most recent version of that data
Issue with prescribing generic drugs that are parallel import items using Vision.
Advisory post highlighting the potential for divergence between drug-drug interaction warning severity levels assigned by Cegedim Healthcare Solutions and those included in the BNF and Stockley’s information for interactions.
** RESOLVED ** Vision Consultation Manager Crashing on Failed Bulk Reauthorisation of Repeat Master Prescriptions
Tags: Clinical Safety,Vision 3
** RESOLVED ** Vision Consultation Manager crashing on failed bulk reauthorisation of repeat master prescriptions
** UPDATE - Warning Solution Implementation Assigned to DLM 850 ** Clinical Safety Issue – Age Related Prescribing Precautions not Showing when Prescribing to Neonates
Tags: Clinical Safety,Vision 3
Advisory post regarding issue relating to age-related prescribing precautions not displaying in Vision when prescribing to neonatal patients under 1 month of age (i.e. 0-28 days old).
Advisory notification of recent changes made to the dm+d by NHS Digital to the list of products that may be prescribed as imports and special orders.
Advisory notification of forthcoming changes planned to be made to the dm+d by the NHSBSA in September 2021.