Unhealthy Behaviours QI Pathway is Now Available for Practices in Wales
By Dale Smith
Tags: Vision 3
The Unhealthy Behaviours QI Pathway is now available for Vision 3 Practices in Wales.
By Dale Smith
Tags: Vision 3
The Unhealthy Behaviours QI Pathway is now available for Vision 3 Practices in Wales.
Tags: Vision Anywhere,Outcomes Manager,Vision 3,Clinical Audit,Mail Manager,VisionPlus
Cegedim Healthcare Solutions provides a large number of products which together create a complete primary care clinical system encompassing all aspects of recording your patient care.
Cegedim Healthcare Solutions UK have introduced the Firearms Marker pathway following the Home Office statutory guidance on firearms licensing.
Adding or updating a member of staff correctly involves multiple aspects of Vision 3. To help you with this process, we have created a quick reference guide.
SIS 10650 is fully deployed in England and Northern Ireland.
Did you know…you can use Appointments from within Consultation Manager? From within Consultation Manager, you can select Appointment List
Please be advised that the Vision 3 Release DLM 830 reinstates the Login Retries and Lock out user when login failed “retries” times options available from Management Tools – Security - Security Settings
Vision 3 release DLM 860 is now on general release is England and Northern Ireland.
Please be aware there is an issue when editing any Vision 3 Guideline post release DLM 830. If you select to add a date to a new Guideline, or update a date on an existing Guideline, Vision 3 is currently inserting $$ into the date.
SIS 106345 fully deployed in Northern Ireland